
ByKon Labs





ByKon Labs

About ByKon Labs

Experiment with Strategy, Innovation and Technology to Bring Significant Value and Growth to Startup and Corporate Partners where Tier 1-2 consulting firms have failed.


Collaboration among corporate and startup.

{labs} was created to increase our 5 department Professional Strenghths through allowing creating, experimenting, learning and quickly adapt to what people (users and consumers) really need.

Now is open to other companies to share similar compelling results.

Collaborative Across Business

The major challenges within organizations are Time, Knowledge and Innovation Appetite.
We have built a robust framework of services, knowledge and industry expertise to bring cross industry ideas to life, by having a base of ready to use Technology, Process, Assets, Experiences and Industry Expertise.

Shared Microservices Architectural Pattern

SMAP is the {labs} pattern to enable accelerated building of new solutions.

Sharing Business functions amongst our projects, whilst keeping separated business entities to protect and guarantee data security and privacy, allow us to speed up all kind of projects.

Project Ecosystem

While creating solutions based in our innovative spirit and approach to solve existing problems of the Now, with the New technologies and business models, we are progressively learning the Unknown whilst delivering sustainable value in various industries.

Get in touch

We have the experience and the team necessary to transform your ideas into reality.